Big Reasons Why Art is Important

 Big Reasons Why Art is Important
Posted on October 7th, 2022

Sure, earth has many beautiful wonders, and mother nature produces some stunning artwork. But there’s something about the individuality of humans and our creative minds.

Art is everywhere we go, and we must continue to cultivate creativity in our communities to ensure that it stays alive. If you’re wondering why you should even care. Here are 10 reasons why art is important to our world and why you should never stop being creative.

1. It’s natural human behavior

Art is important because it’s no different than why you need food to live, why we laugh, or why it feels so good to be loved.

It’s part of us. 

Humans have been creating since the beginning of time. Whether it was using berries for paint, wood for carving, humans have always had a natural affinity to being creative and making art. It’s in our DNA and it’s something we know from the day we’re born. Give a child a crayon and paper and watch them light up. But not every career path endorses the arts, so it can be tough to stay creative as you grow up. But taking on a hobby is a great way to maintain that artistic fire that burns inside of you. And since creativity is a natural human behavior, you should never stop doing it! 

2. It’s a language

“A picture is worth a thousand words”

Art speaks its own language whether its a painting, sculpture, dance routine or your favorite song. Art is able to say things that words sometimes can’t.It’s an international language that anyone from anywhere can understand and be inspired by. 

3. Art tells a story

Art is important because it’s a way of documenting and preserving our history. Historic art tells a story about society and how our cultures were. Giving us insight and different perspectives. Today, art is everywhere. From billboards, street signs and massive murals, they tell stories too. Whether its advertising or purely for appreciation, creativity is everywhere. 

4. Therapeutic

Art is a great way to calm yourself and decrease stress levels.

If you make regular time in your schedule for creativity, you’ll instantly start to see results in how you feel. 

The therapeutic effects of art are so profound that it’s also used in more serious cases by certified professionals to help people deal with mental illness and other emotional challenges.

5. Evoke emotions from people

Art is important because it has the power to move people and sometimes an entire nation.

Think of films or songs that have gone viral around the world and created either awareness or inspired others to do great things. Without the songs you listen to while you exercise or work, you might not be able to accomplish whatever it is you’re working on. That’s some powerful stuff. Considering its just music and without it, you can’t get work done!?! But we’ve all been there. 

6. Increases creativity

Art and creativity go hand in hand with one another.

The more you work on your art the more creative you’ll get. 

Also, looking at art and exposing yourself to other creative mediums will inspire more ideas, and have you thinking differently. 

It’s a beautiful cycle. 


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